A History of Chinese Literature in 20th Century edited by Yan Jiayan is the most important achievement in the past ten years and more in the field of modern and contemporary literature studies. The issues, "margin" and value standard, etc. , put up in it are also mostly concerned in recent years. The question is how, in real writing of a literary history, to connect "late Qing Dynasty" with "May 4th Movement", and effectively "unify" pure literature and popular literature, because there lacked a wholesome frame of evaluation. But the present writings which "fore-moved" the starting point contain an impetus of "degrading" the historical value of May 4th Movement. This fuzzy standard of evaluation would cause logical confusion in writing a literary history. The recent advocate of a "multiple co-existence" of the writing of literary histories embodies a tolerant attitude. But when collecting the writings of different values, world views, and ideologies, one needs to consider to which value stratum they can be unified, and to which significance and by what morphology the "collecting" could be dealt with. This, in fact, concerns with the issue of how the science of modern literature can be settled.
Academic Monthly
writing of modern literary history, margin, value standard, Yan Jiayan