
金融监管体系演进轨迹:国际经验及启示 被引量:8

Evolution of Financial Supervision System,International Experiences and Inspiration
摘要 金融监管主要有统一监管、分业监管、不完全统一监管三种模式。发达国家和新兴市场国家都特别注重健全和完善本国金融监管体系,并依据经济社会发展的需求,对金融监管体系进行适应性变革。从长远看,中国应当走金融统一监管或综合监管之路,变分业监管为统一监管,建立统一监管、分工协作、伞形管理的金融监管体系。加强宏观金融审慎监管、理顺协调沟通机制、处理好金融创新与金融监管的关系、保护金融消费者和投资者的权益、加强国际合作是全球金融监管体系的改革趋向。 Financial supervision could be divided into three modes that are unified supervision, augmented supervision and uncomplete unified supervision. Developed and emerging market countries all emphasize on improving and perfecting national financial supervision system. They often implement reform to adapt to the economic and social development. In long term, the financial supervision in China should be unified or comprehensive supervision, which requires us to change augmented to unified supervision, establish supervision system on the basis of unified supervision, division and coordination of work, management of umbrella-type. Government should strengthen prudent financial supervision,arrange the coordinational and communication mechanism, deal well with financial innovation and supervision,protect the rights of financial consumers and investors, strenghen innternational cooperation, which are the reforming trend of financial supervision system.
作者 孔萌萌
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期59-66,共8页 Reform
关键词 金融监管 监管体系 统一监管 分业监管 financial supervision, supervision system, unified supervision, augmented supervision
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