
内外向人格特质的关联性负变电位研究 被引量:3

A Study on Personality Trait of Introversive and Extroversive Tendency Revealed by Contingent Negative Variation
摘要 目的:考察内外向人格特质与关联性负变电位的关系,探索人格形成的脑机制。方法:在651名在校大学生中选取内外向典型被试各30名。此60名典型被试中各30名参与标准的和改进的CNV范式实验。结果:内、外向组在标准和改进范式下CNV面积、PINV面积均差异显著,而在改进范式下的差异大于标准范式;内向组的反应时大于外向组的反应时,差异显著。结论:CNV与内外向人格特质存在密切关系,CNV具有区分内外向人格特质的可能性。改进的CNV范式能选择性地放大内外向在CNV上的表现,更适合评测内外向人格特质。 Objective: To investigate the relation of contingent negative variation (CNV) and introversive and extroversive tendency (IET) personality trait, explore the brain mechanism of generation of personality. Methods: 30 typically introversive and 30 typically extroversive subjects were selected from 651 undergraduates. Half of the selected subjects participated in experiments of normal CNV paradigm and another half in improved CNV paradigm respectively. Results: The area of CNV and PINV of the subjects in the two groups had clear difference, and the difference in improved paradigm was larger than in normal paradigm. The reaction time of introversive group was longer than that of extroversive group. Conclusion: There is close relationship between steady CNV and the IET personality trait. CNV possesses possibility of distinguishing the IET personality trait. Furthermore, Improved CNV paradigm can select magnifying CNV of IET, compatibly for testing of the IET personality trait.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2011年第6期753-755,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 湖南省教育厅课题(09C245 09A018)
关键词 内外向 人格特质 关联性负变 Introversive and extroversive tendency Personality trait CNV
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