
B群人格障碍症状与功能不良信念的关系 被引量:2

Relationship Between the Symptoms of Cluster-B Personality Disorders and Dysfunctional Beliefs
摘要 目的:探讨B群人格障碍症状与功能不良信念的关系。方法:采用人格诊断问卷第四版(PDQ-4+)中的B群人格障碍分量表、B群人格障碍信念问卷,对53名未成年劳动教养人员管理所中的成人学员和560名大学生施测。结果:B群人格障碍症状与功能不良信念呈显著相关;B群人格障碍及各亚型阳性组在相应功能不良信念上的得分显著高于阴性组的得分;除自恋型外,反社会型、表演型和边缘型功能不良信念对其亚型症状都具有显著预测作用,解释率分别为22.3%、16.7%、26.5%,三种亚型信念共解释B群人格障碍症状总变异的38.3%。结论:B群人格障碍症状与特异性的功能不良信念关系密切。 Objective: To investigate the relationship between the symptoms of cluster-B personality disorders and dysfunctional beliefs. Methods: A total of 53 adult students from juvenile reeducation-through-labor administration office and 560 college students were investigated by the subscales of cluster-B of Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 + (PDQ-4+)and Cluster-B Personality Disorders Belief Questionnaire. Results: The symptoms of cluster-B personality disorders and dysfunctional beliefs had a significant correlation. The scores in corresponding dysfunctional beliefs of the positive groups of the cluster-B personality disorders were significantly higher than those of the negative group. Except for the narcissistic, dysfunctional beliefs of antisociety, histrionics and borderline predicted the corresponding symptoms signifi- cantly. The interpretation fractions were 22.3%, 16.7%, 26.4%, and these three dimensions interpreted 38.3% of the symptoms of cluster-B personality disorders in all. Conclusion: There is a correlative relationship between the symptoms of cluster-B personality disorders and dysfunctional beliefs.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2011年第6期779-781,784,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 B群人格障碍 功能不良信念 认知理论 Cluster-B personality disorders Dysfunctional beliefs Cognitive theory
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