
受能源环境约束世界中车辆与燃料的发展(英文) 被引量:3

Vehicle and Fuel Development in an Energy and Environmentally Constrained World
摘要 为了解决交通导致的空气污染、能源危机和气候变化问题,该文综述了在受能源环境约束世界中,车辆与燃料的发展。分析结果表明:随着欧洲和北美最近转向减少机动车温室气体排放,高效车辆技术和低碳燃料将在交通部门发挥日益重要的作用。全球正致力于追求多种方案。这些方案包括高能效车辆技术、清洁燃料、替代燃料(包括生物燃料和先进生物燃料)以及电驱动技术(如氢燃料电池汽车和电动车等)。机动车节能减排的强有力的政策将继续为上述车辆和燃料技术的研发和实施提供平台和激励。 This paper summarizes the developments for vehicles and fuels in an energy and environmentally constrained world to solve transportation problems of air pollution, energy insecurity, and climate change. The results show that as the regulatory landscape in Europe and North America has recently moved to reductions of greenhouse gas emission caused by motor vehicles, efficient vehicle technologies and low-carbon fuels will play increasingly important roles in the transportation sector. Globally, multiple solutions are being pursued. Such solutions include efficient vehicle technologies, clean fuels, alternative fuels (including biofuels, advanced biofuels), and electric drive technologies such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and battery-powered electric vehicles. Strong regulatory requirements for energy conservation and emission reductions for motor vehicles can continue to provide a platform and incentives for research, development, and deployment of these vehicle and fuel technologies.
出处 《汽车安全与节能学报》 CAS 2011年第4期271-293,共23页 Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy
基金 supported by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of the United States Department of Energy, under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357
关键词 温室气体排放 燃料消费标准 电驱动技术 生物燃料 可替代燃料 greenhouse gas emissions fuel consumption standards electric drive technologies biofuels alternative fuels
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