
蝗虫对蓝光偏振光和非偏振光的定向响应对比 被引量:9

Comparison of Locust's Phototactic Response to Polarized Blue Light and Unpolarized Light
摘要 为给蝗虫灾害光电诱导捕集治理技术中蝗虫诱导光场性质的确定及不同光场的筛选组合提供理论支持,利用LED光谱色非偏振光、蓝光偏振光和行为反应试验装置,进行了不同光照特性的蓝光偏振光场和光谱色非偏振光场对蝗虫定向选择的对比试验,探讨了不同光场对蝗虫定向选择行为影响的机理。结果表明:蓝光偏振光条件下,蝗虫对光谱色非偏振光的趋光定向响应以紫光最优;蝗虫对偏振光和紫光的趋光定向响应对比中,蝗虫对线偏振光和紫光选择的对比率差别最小;蝗虫对偏振光的趋光定向响应取决于偏振光的光照强度,对非偏振光的趋光定向响应取决于光谱色和光照强度;蝗虫敏感光谱色光照强度和蓝光偏振光光照强度对蝗虫趋光响应敏感临界点的差别程度是影响其趋光定向响应选择差异的原因,但就光场光照性质而言,蝗虫敏感光谱色及其光照强度是提高蝗虫诱导率的关键因素。 To provide theoretical reference for confirming light properties of locust's directive selection and screening combination the different light field in locust capturing machine by photoelectric equipment,the discrepant comparison that locust's directional response to polarized blue light with different illumination and unpolarized light with different spectrum was investigated through the comparative test by means of LED unpolarized light,polarized blue light and phototaxis behavior trial equipment,and the principle of the locust's directive selection influenced by polarized blue light and unpolarized light was discussed.Under the same illumination of light source,photoelectric simulation generated by polarized blue light and unpolarized light could inspire locust's bio-photoelectric effect,while the sensitive degree of locust on spectrum and polarized blue light's illumination determined the difference of locust's directional response to polarized blue light and spectral light.When the illumination of polarized blue light did change,locust's directional response to linear polarized light was the best.Comparing the different illumination of polarized blue light with locust's sensitive spectrum,locust's phototactic response to violet light was the best.Relative to linear polarized light,the alternating illumination of polarized blue light did not enhance locust's phototactic response.Considering about light properties of the effect on locusts induced,locust's sensitive spectral illumination on improving locust's phototactic inductive rate was a key factor.
作者 刘启航 周强
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期116-120,共5页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 高等学校博士点专项科研基金资助项目(20060019012) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(KYCX2011069)
关键词 蝗虫 蓝光偏振光 非偏振光 趋光响应 Locusts Polarized blue light Unpolarized light Phototactic response
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