
几种常见蔬菜清除自由基活性的研究 被引量:1

摘要 本文选用乙醇做为提取剂,采用紫外可见分光光度法考察了辣椒、萝卜、生菜、油菜这几种蔬菜的提取物对羟基自由基的清除率。实验表明,辣椒、萝卜、生菜、油菜的提取物均有较强的自由基清除作用。红辣椒比柿子椒、胡萝卜比青萝卜、油菜比生菜有较强的自由基清除作用。 Hydroxyl radicals clearance rate of several vegetable extracts including lettuce, rape, radish and pepper was investigated by UV-visible spectrophotometry, using ethanol as a extracting agent. Experimental results show that lettuce, rape, radish, red pepper are strong free radical scavenging. In the ethanol extract, the rape is stronger than lettuce,carrot is stronger than green radish and red pepper is stronger than sweet green pepper in the free radical scavenging.
作者 卢青
出处 《科技视界》 2011年第24期41-42,共2页 Science & Technology Vision
关键词 羟基自由基 清除率 辣椒 萝卜 生菜 油菜 Hydroxyl radicals Clearance rate Lettuce Rape Radish Pepper
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