
100例早期梅毒诊治分析 被引量:1

Diagnosis and Treatment of 100 Cases of Early Syphilis
摘要 目的分析早期梅毒的临床特征、诊断及治疗。方法收集我院2005-2010年资料完整的100倒早期梅毒病倒进行回顾性分析。结果一期梅毒患者48例,男45例.女3例;二期梅毒患者42例,男17例,女25例;一、二期梅毒同时存在3例,均为男性,早期潜伏梅毒7例,男3例,女4例。100例患者均行RPR、TPPA检查,28例行病理学检查以确诊早期梅毒,用苄星青霉素治疗,过敏者选用红霉素、美满霉素、强力霉素、头孢曲松等治疗,3例硬下疳患者迁延不愈,行硬下疳切除,效果满意,100例患者治疗后随访,未见复发。结论掌握梅毒的临床表现及血清学检查以提高早期梅毒的诊断率,减少误诊、漏诊,青霉素是治疗梅毒的首选药物.青霉素过敏者选用红霉素、美满霉素、头孢曲松等治疗,效果肯定,部分患者硬下疳迁延不愈,应及早外科手术切除,术后愈合快,效果满意。 Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment of early syphilis. Methods By retrospectively analyzing 100 cases of early syphilis cases with complete data for 2005-2010 in our hospital. Results Of 48 patients with stage- I syphilis, 45 were males and 3 females; and of 42 patients with stage- Ⅱ syphilis, 17 were males and 25 females; and 3 cases with both stage- I and stage- Ⅱ syphilis were male; of 7 cases of early latent syphilis, 3 were males and 4 females. All the 100 patients underwent RPR, TPPA check. Routine pathological examination were taken in 28 cases to diagnose with early syphilis. With benzathine penicillin therapy, and allergy using erythromycin, minoeycline, doxyeycline, and eeftriaxone treatment, 3 patients were delayed healing of the chancre. After chancre removal, results were satisfactory. 100 patients were followed up, with no recurrence. Conclusion The clinical manifestations and serological tests of syphilis is important to reduce misdiagnosis and improve diagnosis rates of early syphilis. Penicillin is the primary drug of choice for treatment of syphilis. Choices for those who are allergic to penicillin include erythromycin, minoeyeline, and ceftriaxone treatment, and the effect is positive. As to some patients of delayed healing of chancre, early surgical removal should be taken, and the healing effect is satisfactory.
作者 宋珍珍 杜恒 马彬 古力达丽哈 李升平 SONG Zhen-zhen, DU Heng, MA Bin, et al (No.2 Affiliated Hospital,Xinjiang Medical University, Wulumuqi 830001,China)
出处 《医学信息》 2011年第23期172-173,共2页 Journal of Medical Information
关键词 早期梅毒 诊治 分析 early syphilis treatment analysis
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