摘要:以"东海牌"70号A级沥青为基质沥青,加入80目废轮胎胶粉和SBS制备复合改性沥青。用均匀设计法考察了胶粉/SBS复合改性沥青制备的影响因素。根据均匀设计软件分析,最佳工艺条件为:胶粉加入量小于等于10%,加工温度180~200℃,加工时间200~260 min,SBS加入量2.5%~3.5%。试验结果表明,复合改性沥青关键性能满足JTGF40—2004 I-C技术指标。
Complex polymer modified asphalts were prepared by adding 80mesh crumb rubber and SBS to Sinopec "East Sea" penetration 70# Grade A paving asphalt. Influencing parameters of the preparation process were investigated by uiform dsign method.. The results showed that the main indices of the samples could meet I -C technical requirements of JTG F40 -2004 specification, and the optimum processing conditions were as follow: crumb rubber dosage less than 10%, SBS dosage from 2.5% to 3. 5%, reaction temperature from 180℃ to 200 ℃, and reaction time from 200 to 260 min respectively.
Petroleum Asphalt