

摘要 Compressed sensing offers a new wideband spectrum sensing scheme in Cognitive Radio (CR). A major challenge of this scheme is how to determinate the required measurements while the signal sparsity is not known a priori. This paper presents a cooperative sensing scheme based on se-quential compressed sensing where sequential measurements are collected from the analog-to-information converters. A novel cooperative compressed sensing recovery algorithm named Simul-taneous Sparsity Adaptive Matching Pursuit (SSAMP) is utilized for sequential compressed sensing in order to estimate the reconstruction errors and determinate the minimal number of required meas-urements. Once the fusion center obtains enough measurements, the reconstruction spectrum sparse vectors are then used to make a decision on spectrum occupancy. Simulations corroborate the effec-tiveness of the estimation and sensing performance of our cooperative scheme. Meanwhile, the per-formance of SSAMP and Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (SOMP) is evaluated by Mean-Square estimation Errors (MSE) and sensing time. Compressed sensing offers a new wideband spectrum sensing scheme in Cognitive Radio (CR). A major challenge of this scheme is how to determinate the required measurements while the signal sparsity is not known a priori. This paper presents a cooperative sensing scheme based on se-quential compressed sensing where sequential measurements are collected from the analog-to-information converters. A novel cooperative compressed sensing recovery algorithm named Simul-taneous Sparsity Adaptive Matching Pursuit (SSAMP) is utilized for sequential compressed sensing in order to estimate the reconstruction errors and determinate the minimal number of required meas-urements. Once the fusion center obtains enough measurements, the reconstruction spectrum sparse vectors are then used to make a decision on spectrum occupancy. Simulations corroborate the effec-tiveness of the estimation and sensing performance of our cooperative scheme. Meanwhile, the per-formance of SSAMP and Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (SOMP) is evaluated by Mean-Square estimation Errors (MSE) and sensing time.b
出处 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2011年第3期313-319,共7页 电子科学学刊(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program(No.2009AA01Z241) the National Natural Science Foundation(No.60971129,No.61071092)
关键词 Cognitive Radio (CR) Wideband spectrum sensing Sequential compressed sensing Matching pursuit Cognitive Radio (CR) Wideband spectrum sensing Sequential compressed sensing Matching pursuit
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