采用顶空法提取柚子皮茶中的挥发性物质,再用气质联用仪进行分析测定。以月桂烯为评价指标,实施线性试验和重现性试验,结果表明:在0.1~0.9 g范围内,峰面积与样品量间存在良好的线性关系,相关系数R达到0.9832;重现性试验数据间的标准偏差(RSD)值为2.7%,说明精密度良好,应用HS-GC-MS检测柚子皮茶挥发性物质结果可靠性高。另外,实施平衡温度和平衡时间两因素五水平完全析因试验来对顶空提取条件进行优化,结果表明:在65~100℃、10~60 min范围内,柚子皮茶挥发性成分最佳提取工艺参数为T平衡=100℃、t平衡=51 min。
The volatile components of green tea scented from pomelo peel was extracted by headspace and determined by HS-GC-MS.In the range of 0.1g to 0.9 g,a good linear relationship between Myrcene Peak area and sample amount,and the correlation coefficient was 0.9832.In the reproducibility test,the relative standard deviation(RSD) of data was 2.7%,which means the application of HS-GC-MS to detect volatile components had a high reliability.In addition,the full factorial experiments of two factors,five levels were implemented to optimized headspace extraction conditions.The result showed that,under the temperature ranged from 65 ℃ to 100 ℃,the time ranged from 10 min to 60 min,the best extract parameters of volatile components of green teascented with pomelo peel were T=100 ℃,t=51 min.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry