
实时定量PCR分析PtDr101基因hpRNA干扰下的表达 被引量:1

Analysis on PtDrl01 gene expression under hpRNA interference by real-time quantitative PCR
摘要 PtDr101基因从三倍体毛白杨(Popu1us tomentosa× P. bolleana)×P.tomentosa]中克隆获得,能够编码NBS-LRR型蛋白,受到水杨酸和甲基茉莉酸诱导表达,是一种广谱的抗病基因。本研究利用实时定量PCR技术分析转PtDr101基因hpRNA干扰载体的表达模式,分析发现4个表达模式显著差异的转基因株系,为进一步功能鉴定提供材料。本研究表明实时定量PCR能够高灵敏度、精确地检测hpRNA干扰情况下的基因表达量。 PtDrl01 gene was isolated from triploid white poplar[(Populus tomentosa×P.bolleana)×P.tomentosa].which would be capable to encode a protein with a nuclcotide binding site(NBS)and a leucine rich repeat(LRR)domain.PtDrl01 gene could be induced by two defence signaling molecules:methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid,leading to a broad spectrum of pathogens,hpRNA mediator was used to interfere the expression of PtDrl01 gene at different levels in this study.4 clones of transgenic triploid white poplar were found to have significant differences with each other by real-time quantitative PCR.The rresults strongly suggest that real-time quantitative PCR is a well method for accurate and sensitive quantification of gene expression under hpRNA interference.
出处 《现代仪器》 CAS 2011年第6期13-16,共4页 Modern Instruments
基金 国家自然科学基金(30872043) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金 (20070323003)
关键词 实时定量PCR 发卡式RNA干扰 2^-ΔΔCT法 Real-time quantitative PCR Hairpin RNA INTERFERENCE 2△△CTmethod
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