燃油管道式烘丝机燃烧炉系统存在温度控制精度差、故障率高、柴油消耗大等问题,为此,对燃烧炉柴油管路系统进行了改进,将燃烧炉温度由单回路控制改为串级控制,根据柴油流量,通过检测燃烧炉尾气化学成分含量,对助燃空气风量进行自动调节,使助燃风机风量与柴油流量保持在最佳比例。应用效果表明,改进后工艺气流温度的响应速度和控制稳定性均有显著提高,燃烧炉的火焰信号增强且稳定。柴油管路系统运行可靠,点火失败或熄火故障次数由原来的2次/月以上减少为0,生产换牌时降低工艺气流温度30℃所需时间由20 min减少到10min左右,降低了柴油消耗,提高了生产效率。
The burner system in oil-fueled tower drier has the disadvantages of low temperature control accuracy, higher failure rate and higher oil consumption, therefore, its oil pipeline was improved. The temperature control of burner was changed from single-loop into cascaded control; according to oil flow and the contents of detected chemical components in exhaust gas, the combustion air volume was automatically adjusted to keep air and oil in good balance. The application results indicated that the response speed and stability of technological air temperature were improved obviously, and the flame signal of burner was intensified and stable. The improved pipeline system ran stably, ignition failure or flameout reduced from over 2 times per month to zero. The time needed to lower technological air temperature by 30℃reduced from more than 20 to about 10 minutes during brand changing. Diesel oil consumption decreased, and production efficiency increased.
Tobacco Science & Technology