
磁开关在强脉冲能源模块中的设计和应用 被引量:7

Design and Implementation of Magnetic Switch for Pulsed Power Conditioning Modules
摘要 强脉冲能源模块主放电回路中使用两电极开关时,必须借助触发装置输出1个高频高压脉冲施加在开关电极两端形成过压触发。为了保证开关的可靠触发以及保护能源模块中的预电离支路和氙灯负载等关键元件,主放电回路中必须加磁开关以隔离触发高压。因而该文从分析实际主放电回路的工作原理入手,提出了采用铁基纳米晶的磁开关应用于能源模块主放电回路的解决方案,给出了设计和实现磁开关的理论计算依据和材料选择方法。通过对磁开关实物在能源模块样机上的性能实测,证明磁开关能够有效地隔离100kV的脉冲高压,在额定工况下的饱和时间为0.3μs,饱和电感为0.6μH。该研究为磁开关在大型脉冲功率装置中的工程设计和应用提供了参考。 When two-electrode gap spark switch is applied in pulsed power conditioning module,it needs the trigger generator outputs a high frequency and high voltage pulsed waveform.To guarantee triggering reliability and protect other key components of the power conditioning module,such as preionization branch and Xenon lamp,magnetic switch is required to insulate the high triggering voltage in the main discharging circuit.In this paper,starting from the analysis of the working principle of the discharging circuit,we present the solution of Fe-based nanocrystalline alloy switch,provide the foundations of theory calculation and the method of material selection for the design and implementation of this magnetic switch.Via the performance tests in pulsed power conditioning module,the results prove that the magnetic switch can effectively isolate 100 kV high-voltage pulse.The saturation time is about 0.3 μs,and the saturated inductance of this magnetic switch is only 0.6 μH.This paper will perform the function of reference in engineering design and application of magnetic switches applied to large pulsed power apparatus.
出处 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期2945-2951,共7页 High Voltage Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51007028)~~
关键词 磁开关 脉冲功率 软磁材料 磁滞回线 饱和时间 饱和电感 magnetic switch pulsed power soft magnetic material B-H curve saturation time saturated inductance
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