

Study on Relationship between Different Heat Mode and Kit Survival
摘要 试验研究窝箱不同加热方式对1~7d仔貂生长性能的影响,选择了150只已成功交配的一岁母貂(标准黑貂),平均体重为(1084.2±169.6)g,随机分成5组,每组30只,分别是对照组(无加热无笼网结构)、试验Ⅰ组(底部电热板19℃)、试验Ⅱ组(底部电热板15℃)、试验Ⅲ组(笼网结构加热10℃)、试验Ⅳ组(笼网结构不加热,<10℃)。结果表明,各组间产仔个数、出生活仔数、出生成活率、7d活仔数无显著差异(P>0.1),但7d成活率各组间差异极显著(P<0.01),Ⅰ组7d后的仔兽成活率显著高于Ⅲ组,而与其他各组间虽差异不显著,但均高于其他各组,Ⅲ组妊娠天数要明显高于其他组(P<0.01),而其他各组间差异不显著;Ⅰ、Ⅱ组的仔貂聚集度要明显低于其他各组,Ⅰ组混合度最高(20.8%),Ⅱ组的仔貂分散度最高(26.34%),Ⅳ组的仔貂分散度最低(4.55%);对照组的营救时间最短(5.24s),明显低于其他各组。综合以上各项指标得出对于1~7日龄仔貂,窝箱底部电热板加热方式要优于笼网结构加热,当底部加热至19℃时,对仔貂成活最有利。 The experiment studied the effect of different heat mode on the growth performance of kit at the age of seven-day old.The trial selected one-hundred fifty one-year old female mink with average body weight 1084.2 g±169.6 g,randomly divided into five groups,thirty female mink within one group,control group(without heat and cage structure),trial group Ⅰ(to heat 19 ℃ at the bottm of nest),trial group Ⅱ(to heat 15℃ at the bottm of nest),trial group Ⅲ(to heat 10 ℃ at the bottom of cage structure),trial group Ⅳ(cage structure without heating,10 ℃),respectively.The results indicated that at the parturition,it had important effect of outside temperature on the survival of kit.It had no significant difference in litter of kit,survival kit in birth,survival rate of birth,survival kit within seven-day(P0.1) in different group,but it had significantly different in survival rate of seven-day(P0.01) and seven-day survival rate of Ⅰ group was obviously higher than that of trial Ⅲ group,while had no significant different in every group,but higher than the other groups.The gestion day of Ⅲ group was obviously longer than that of the other groups(P0.01),while it had not significant different in the other groups.The litter assembly in Ⅰ and Ⅱ group was significantly lower than that of the other groups.The litter mix in Ⅰ group was the highest(26.34%) in all groups.The litter dispersion in Ⅳ group was the lowest(4.55%) in all groups.The Kit-retrieval time in control group was the shortest(5.24 s) in all groups.In a word,the heat way at the bottom of nest exceed that of cage structure.When to heat 19 ℃ at the bottom of nest,it was beneficial to kit survival.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第12期222-226,共5页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项资助(200903014) 吉林省科技发展计划项目(20090238)
关键词 窝箱 加热方式 仔貂成活 nest heat mode kit survival
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