我国饮料工业是改革开放以来迅速崛起的新兴行业。从建国初期约5,000吨的年产量快速发展到1998年达1,250万吨的总产量,提前3年实现2000年规划目标1,000万吨的任务。随着全球饮料和和果汁的需求量持续上升,我国应进一步加快步伐,为未来的强势发展铺好路。 踏入21世纪,我国饮料工业的战略目标是:2000年全国饮料总产量达到1,350万吨,2010年将达到2,300万吨以上;生产技术和装备水平将得到明显提高,实现生产机械化、连续化、关键工序自动化。在目前的发展格局、新目标的定立之下,我国饮料工业与饮料制造商应如何应对?本期访问了可口可乐这家享誉盛名的国际大个业,展现引进外资对我国整体效益及管理经验等所带来的深远影响,其经验值得我们借鉴学习;此外,我们还就生产技术方面作点提报导,以兹参考。
China's beverage industry has grown quickly since 1978. Total beverage production increased sharply from 5,000 tons to 12.5 million tons in 1998, reaching the 10 million ton target for 2000. In the future, China should be able to keep pace with increasing global demand, and be welt-equipped to take advantage of a booming market.The authorities have set new goals: to produce 13.5 million tons and 23 million tons production in 2000 and 2010 respectively; to upgrade production techniques and quality of equipment.For this Feature, we interviewed an international enterprise, the Coca Cola Company, about its development strategy in China. We a/so introduce some specific techniques for beverage production.
China Food Industry