针对钢铁行业内司磅过程的特点,以昆钢当前的司磅流程为例,分析了存在的不足,采用B/S模式的软件体系结构实现即时计量信息的查询,并引入Spring框架和BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1技术,方便了统计报表的开发工作,同时克服了传统纸质单据传递数据带来的弊端。
This paper, based on the characteristics of the process of the weighing in the steel industry, takes the current weighing process of Kunming iron and steel company for example, and analyzes its deficiency. It implements the query of re- al-time measurement information by adopting B/S model. It also introduces the Spring Framework and BusinessObjects En- terprise XI 3.1 technology to facilitate the development of statistical reports, while overcoming the defects of the traditional paper-based data transmission.
Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance