[目的]优化棉籽粕微生物脱毒条件,降低棉籽粕中的游离棉酚含量。[方法]利用米曲霉3042固态发酵降解棉籽粕中的游离棉酚,通过单因素试验和正交试验,研究接菌量、发酵温度、料水比和发酵时间对棉籽粕脱毒的影响,确定棉籽粕微生物脱毒的最优脱毒条件。[结果]极差分析表明,影响发酵棉籽粕游离棉酚含量的4个因素主次顺序依次为料水比>发酵温度>接菌量>发酵时间。正交试验表明,棉籽粕微生物最优脱毒条件为:米曲霉3042接菌量5%,发酵底物添加0.5%尿素和1%蔗糖,料水比1∶0.83,5℃发酵48 h。在此条件下,游离棉酚含量降至117 mg/kg,降解率达到78.13%,发酵棉籽粕粗蛋白含量达到40.16%,较发酵前提高了12.87%。[结论]该研究为生产能够达到饲用标准的棉籽粕饲料提供了科学依据。
[Objective] The study aimed to optimize the conditions for the biological virus-free of cottonseed meal and decrease the free gossypol content in the cottonseed meal.[Method] The solid state fermentation was performed by Aspergillus oryzae 3042 to degrade the free gossypol in the cottonseed meal.The effects of the inoculum size,fermentation temperature,solid-liquid ratio and fermentation time on the virus-free of cottonseed meal were studied and the optimum conditions for the biological virus-free of the cottonseed meal were confirmed through the single factor test and orthogonal test.[Result] The range analysis showed that the effects of 4 factors on the free gossypol content in the fermented cottonseed meal were in order of solid-liquid ratio fermentation temperature inoculum size fermentation time.The orthogonal test showed that the optimal conditions for biological virus-free of of cottonseed meal were as follows:A.oryzae 3042 inoculum size of 5%,cottonseed meal with addition of 0.5% urea and 1% sucrose,solid-liquid ratio of 1∶0.8,fermentation temperature of 35 ℃ and time of 48 h.Under the conditions,the content of free gossypol reduced to 117 mg/kg and the ratio of degradation reached 78.13%;the crud protein content in the fermented cottonseed meal reached 40.16%,being 12.87% higher than the one before the fermentation.[Conclusion] The study offered the scientific basis for the production of the cottonseed meal feed that could meet the feeding standard.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Cottonseed meal
Free gossypol
Solid state fermentation