
蓝猪耳花粉管细胞壁超微结构的FESEM和AFM比较研究 被引量:2

Ultrastructure of Pollen Tube Cell Wall in Torenia fournieri L.Observed by FESEM and AFM
摘要 [目的]比较场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)和原子力显微镜(AFM)观察蓝猪耳花粉管表面形貌和细胞壁中纤维素微纤丝排列的效果。[方法]蓝猪耳花粉离体培养2 h后,利用FESEM和AFM原位观察无损的花粉管表面形貌和细胞壁的精细结构。[结果]FESEM可见花粉管表面粗糙的网状结构;AFM可获得花粉管的三维立体图像,并可见花粉管细胞壁物质的精细结构和纤维素微纤丝的排列情况。[结论]AFM是一种观察花粉管表面结构和细胞壁中纤维素微纤丝排向的有效手段。 [Objective] To compare the effects of FESEM and AFM observing the surface topography and cellulose microfibrils arrangement of pollen tube cell wall in Torenia fournieri L..[Method] After 2 h culture,the surface topography and cellulose microfibrils arrangement of pollen tubes were observed by FESEM and AFM.[Result] FESEM image revealed the rough network structure of pollen tube,AFM revealed the three-dimensional images of pollen tubes and the fine structure of cell wall and the cellulose microfilaments orientation.[Conclusion] AFM was a powerful technique for examining the surface topography and cellulose microfibrils arrangement of pollen tube wall.
作者 吴娟子
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第35期21802-21804,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目(CX(11)4048)
关键词 花粉管 蓝猪耳 纤维素微纤丝 AFM FESEM Pollen tube Torenia fournieri L Cellulose microfibrils(CMFs) AFM FESEM
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