
信用评级机构的角色冲突与法律监管 被引量:2

摘要 次贷危机中信用评级"失效"的教训,正在推动着国际信用评级体系新一轮改革。如何加强对信用评级机构的法律监管,从而更好地实现风险预警功能是改革需要解决的主要问题。本文在解析信用评级机构角色冲突的基础上,提出了对信用评级机构实施法律监管的必要性,进而分析了我国信用评级行业发展的现实困境,最后对完善我国信用评级行业法律监管提出了政策建议。
作者 朱悦蘅 叶兵
出处 《西南金融》 2011年第12期70-73,共4页 Southwest Finance
基金 西南财经大学"211工程"三期建设项目"转型期我国经济法律制度创新研究"资助的研究成果
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  • 1吴亮,李江,赵肖峰,杨桃源.重建信用中国[J].瞭望,2002(7):18-24. 被引量:40
  • 2应娟,张益新.信用评级机构收费模式探讨[J].上海金融,2006(6):73-75. 被引量:27
  • 3See Steven L. Schwarcz, Private Ordering d Public Markets: The Rating Agency Paradox, University d m~ois Law Review,2002, (2) : 1 - 28.
  • 4See Richard Cantor, Frank Packer, The Credit Rating Industry, Fed. Res. Bank N.Y.Q. Rev., 1994, Summer-Fall:1-26.
  • 5See Technical Comm.of the Int'l Org. of Sec. Comm'ns, Report on The Subprime Crisis, http://www, iosbo, org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IO- SCOPD273. pdf, last visit on May 30,2008.
  • 6Aaron Lueehetti, Rating Game: As Housing Boomed, Moedy's Opened Up, Wall St.J., Apr. 11, 2008, at AI.
  • 7Dawn Kopecki, The Credit Ratings Blame Game, http://www, businessweek, com/investor/content/sep2007/pi20070927-267775, htm, last visit on Sep. 28, 2007.
  • 8See Timothy E. Lynch, Deeply and Persistently Conflicted: Credit Rating Agencies in the Current Regulatory Environment, Indiana University Maurer School d" Law-Bloomington Legal Studies Research Paper Series, 2008, Research Paper Number 133: 1 - 78.
  • 9Marie leone, Bush Signs Rating Agency Reform Act, http://www, efo. corn/article, cfm/7991492, last visit on October 2, 2006.
  • 10See U.S.SEC, Amendments to Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, http://www, sec.gov/rules/final/2009/34- 59342. pdf, last visit on February 2, 2009.



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  • 2St e phane ROUSSEAU; Regulating. Credit Rating Agencies After the Financial Crisis.the Long and Winding Road Toward Accountability ; http .//ssm.com/abstract=1456708.
  • 3Maurice Mullard; The Credit Rating Agencies and Their Contribution to the Financial Crisis;The Political Quarterly, Vol. 83,No. 1,January-March 20120.
  • 4Siegfi'ied Utzig,The Financial Crisis and the Regula- tion of Credit Rating Agencies.A European Banking Perspec- tive, http .//www.adbi.org/working-paper/2010/01/26/3446.
  • 5Frank Packer, Nikola Tarashev; Rating methodologies for banks[J].BIS Quarterly Review,June 2011.
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  • 8Maurice Mullard.The Credit Rating Agencies and Their Contribution to the Financial Crisis[].The Political Quarterly.2012
  • 9Siegfried Utzig.The Financial Crisis and the Regula-tion of Credit Rating Agencies:A European Banking Perspec-tive. http://www.adbi.org/workingpaper/2010/01/26/3446 .
  • 10Pragyan Deb,Mark Manning,Gareth Murphy,Adrian Penalver,Aron Toth.Whither the credit ratings industry[].Financial Stability Paper No.2011









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