基于我国住宅建筑室内热环境研究的不足,以曲靖师范学院一自然通风房间为对象,对其室内温湿度、风速、墙面温度、地板温度、天花板温度、室外环境温度进行了为期半年的实地测试.对室内空气平均温度、平均辐射温度、PMV(predicted mean vote)值进行了计算.为便于快捷预测和调控云贵高原湿季室内热环境,利用线性回归分析法对PMV与平均辐射温度间的关系进行了讨论,获得了一些相关性较好的回归方程,在相似气候下对热环境预测和设计时可供参考.
A half-year field survey of indoor humiture,wind speed,wall temperature,floor surface temperature,ceiling surface temperature and outdoor air temperature was carried out by taking a free-running occupant room at Qujing Normal University as the test room based on lack of studies of indoor thermal environment in residential buildings in China.The mean indoor air temperature,mean radiant temperature and PMV(predicted mean vote) have been calculated.The relationships between the PMV and the mean radiant temperature were discussed by using the linear regression technique to conveniently predict and control the indoor thermal environment in wet season in "Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau".Many regression equations with good relativities were given and they provide people an easy way to predict and regulate the indoor thermal environment under similar climate conditions.
Journal of Qujing Normal University