对某特殊工况的推式悬挂输送设备的布线问题进行了详尽分析, 提出了前、后车组分线进出库、均衡梁长度可收缩的解决方案。并结合具体实例, 对工件在进出库和水平大角度回转和停止时, 车组的运行状况、线路设计要点及相关的电气控制问题, 进行了分析和计算。
Route outlay problems with the push type suspended conveyor for a special application is analysed in detail,offering a solution that front and back carrier groups come into and go out of warehouse along different lines and telescopic balanced bars are used.The carrier groups′travel status,the key points to route design and some problems associated with electrical controls are also separately studied and calculated under such conditions as coming into and going out of warehouse,travelling along large angle horizontal curve as well as stopping.
Hoisting and Conveying Machinery