
钛合金双片层组织对性能的影响 被引量:2

Effects of Bi-lamellar Microstructure on the Properties of Titanium Alloy
摘要 研究了通过热处理制度调整,在合金α片层之间形成细小的条状次生α相,形成一种新型的钛合金显微组织——双片层组织。通过对比等轴组织、双态组织、片层组织和双片层组织的性能,结果表明,在合金的强度和塑性不损失的条件下,双片层组织进一步提高了裂纹在合金中的扩展阻抗,使得合金的断裂韧性得到改善,疲劳裂纹扩展速率得到降低。双片层组织提高了疲劳裂纹扩展路径,使得大量的次生裂纹萌生。 A new type of microstructure, named bi-lamellar microstructure of titanium alloy comes out of precipitated small secondary α needles in the β matrix through modification heat treatment. A comparison of microstructure and property of titanium alloy between equaixed, bi-model and lamellar microstructure is made. The results manifest that bi-lamellar microstructure improves the fracture toughness and fatigue crack propagation behavior of TA15 alloys remarkably, increases the length of fatigue crack propagation and brings about large secondary cracks.
作者 李士凯
出处 《材料开发与应用》 CAS 2011年第6期17-21,共5页 Development and Application of Materials
关键词 显微组织 损伤容限 疲劳裂纹扩展速率 断裂韧性 Microstructure Damage tolerance Fatigue crack propagation rate Fracture toughness
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