
石墨烯及其衍生物的分离方法 被引量:1

Separation Methods for Graphene and its Derivatives
摘要 随着石墨烯研究热潮的兴起,全世界的注意力都放到了石墨烯的生产制备工艺上。对于特定横向尺寸,厚度以及几何形态的石墨烯的制备却停滞不前。然而,石墨烯的性能与其结构参数是密切相关的,多分散性的石墨烯一旦被制备进了器件中,将会导致不可控性或者不良后果。在本综述中,将概括整理目前针对于石墨烯及其衍生物分离方法的研究与原理,希望能产生一定的启示。 With the recent burst of activity surrounding the solution-phase production of graphene, comparatively little progress has been made toward the generation of graphene dispersions with tailored thickness, lateral area, and shape. The polydispersity of graphene dispersions, however, can lead to unpredictable or nonideal behavior once they are incorporated into devices since the properties of graphene vary as a function of its structural parameters. In this review, the separation methods for graphene and its derivatives are overviewed in order to inspire more good ideas for new separation methods.
作者 苏钦 张东
出处 《材料开发与应用》 CAS 2011年第6期68-73,共6页 Development and Application of Materials
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-07-0626) 上海市科技创新行动计划(08160706900 09JC1414400) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题(2009AA05Z419)
关键词 石墨烯 分离原理 离心分离 密度梯度 Graphene Separation mechanism Centrifugation Density gradient
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