本文从加拿大移民历史,人口语言状况,语音对比以及词语变化等方面,对加拿大英语进行分析研究,并探索加拿大英语自身独立性存在的依据, 从而阐明这样一个观点——加拿大英语从殖民时期以来,在多元文化背景下逐渐得以形成。
The essay mainly discusses some of features of Canadian English in the aspects of Canadian immigration history, population language, phonetic comparison and changes in words and expressions, and it also explores basis for unique character of Canadian English. Therefore, such a view will be supported —— only since the 17th century and in multiculturism has English spoken in Canada gradually turned into Canadian English and developed into one of varieties of English.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition