
东亚一体化进程中的中国地缘文化因素探析——中韩关系视角下的考量 被引量:2

An Analysis on the Factors of Chinese Geoculture in the Process of East Asian Integration——Considerations from the Perspective of Sino-South Korean Relations
摘要 地缘文化是影响区域认同的重要因素。它作为构成综合国力的一种因素,直接影响着各国的对外战略。中国地缘文化,在韩国有几千年的影响,以此为突破口,加强中韩文化交流,增强文化认同,是发展更深层次合作关系的必由之路。本文希望在中韩关系的视角下,通过探讨中国地缘文化在韩国的延异,分析中韩文化历史与现实发展中的积极因素,对我国制定对韩外交战略、促进东亚一体化进程,提供一个新的思路。 The Geoculture is the important factor that affects the regional identities.As a part of the national power,it has direct impact on countries' foreign strategies.Chinese Geoculture has been affecting South Korea for thousands of years.Taking this as a starting point,we can find the necessary way to develop deeper cooperative relations between two sides if we strengthen cultural exchange and enhance the cultural identity between China and South Korea.From the perspective of Sino-South Korean relations,the paper analyzes the positive factors in Sino-South Korean culture and history and practical development by studying the difference of Chinese Geoculture in South Korean,which provides a new way of thinking for our setting South Korean diplomatic strategy and promoting the process of East Asian Integration.
作者 刘勃然
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第5期73-76,共4页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 地缘文化 中韩关系 东亚一体化 Geoculture Sino-South Korean relations East Asian Integration
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