:随着中国经济向社会主义市场经济转轨步伐的日益加快 ,中国经济学理论和实践的发展明显滞后于时代的需要 ,更多表现为一种急功近利的心态 ,经济学的价值论传统被人为地悬置起来 ,以致社会发展出现失范现象。本文拟分析从配第、斯密到马克思再到凯恩斯等古典和新古典经济学家关于经济学价值论传统的论述 ,寻找其间的一脉相承性及对中国经济学建设的意义 。
Along with Chinese economics turning faster to Socialism—Market Economics,the development of the theory and practice of Chinese economics is obviously detained from the trend of the times,and expressing a kind of material gain.The tradition of economics value theory is always forgotten,as a result the dislocation always appears in socity.This essay analyses the classical and new classical economists’ discussing about economics value theory,wants to find a continuning clue among them and hopes to get some idea to construct Chinese economics.
Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business