目的了解东莞市厚街镇中小学生结核杆菌感染状况,为防控结核病提供科学依据。方法按照广东省中小学生健康体检项目要求,对厚街镇中小学2009年入学新生开展卡介菌纯蛋白衍生物(BCG-PPD)检测。结果 3289名中小学生中,PPD试验总阳性率47.13%,其中阳性率46.49%,强阳性率0.64%。初中生PPD阳性率、强阳性率均显著高于小学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),有随年龄增大呈增高趋势。女学生阳性率、强阳性率均显著高于男学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。公办小学学生PPD阳性率高于民办小学,本地户籍小学生PPD阳性率高于非本地户籍,有卡痕中小学生PPD试验阳性率显著高于无卡痕的学生,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论对中小学入学新生应进行PPD检测以及同时调查卡痕,了解学生中结核杆菌感染状况与卡介苗接种情况,并对重点人群采取相应防控措施,防止结核病在学校的传播与流行。
Objective To know the infection condition of tubercle bacillus among the primary and middle school students in Houjie town,Dongguan city and to provide scientific evidence for the control and prevention of tuberculosis.Methods According to the requirements of student healthy check-up project of Guangdong province,BCG-PPD detection was conducted among students who registered to primary school and middle school in 2009 in Houjie town of Dongguan city.Results Among 3 289 students,the overall positive rate was 47.13%,of which 46.49% was moderate positive while 0.64% was strong positive.The over all positive rate and the rate of strong positive of the middle school students were significantly higher than those of primary students(P〈0.01).The positive rate decreased as the age increased.The over all positive rate and the rate of strong positive of the girls were significantly higher than those of boys(P〈0.01).The overall positive rate of primary students from public schools was higher than that of students from private schools.The overall positive rate of local primary school students was higher than that of non-local students.The overall positive rate of middle school and primary school students who had mark was significantly higher than that of who had no mark(P〈0.01).Conclusion By conducting PPD detection and investigating mark among newly registered students in primary and middle schools,the infection status of tubercle bacillus and immunization situation of BCG were obtained,and further measures can be taken to prevent the tuberculosis from spreading among school students.
Journal of Tropical Medicine