

The Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in English Reading Comprehension
摘要 词汇是英语学习的基石,但英语教师不可能把大部分的时间都用来教学生词汇,近年来许多学者开始关注词汇附带习得,就是学生在完成别的学习任务时,并没有把注意力放在词汇学习上,却附带习得了词汇。文章通过纵览近几年词汇附带习得方面的研究,分析了影响阅读理解中词汇附带习得的因素,重点阐释了提高阅读理解中词汇附带习得的方法,如通过对阅读理解中生词不同方式的注释或者设置不同的与生词相关的任务,并探讨了这些方法的理论支撑,最后提出了一些对英语教学有益的建议,以更好的促进词汇附带习得。 Vocabulary is an important part of English learning.Teachers could not spend most of time in vocabulary teaching.In recent years,many scholars pay more attention to incidental vocabulary acquisition.Incidental vocabulary learning means learners focus on reading comprehension rather than vocabulary learning,but they acquire vocabulary.This paper analyzes some significant factors of incidental vocabulary acquisition through review of researches on incidental vocabulary acquisition,and discusses some ways to enhance incidental vocabulary acquisition,like different annotations and reading tasks,and explores some relative theoretical background.Furthermore,some teaching suggestions are proposed in order to promote incidental vocabulary acquisition.
作者 谭惠月
机构地区 太原理工大学
出处 《忻州师范学院学报》 2011年第5期104-107,共4页 Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University
关键词 词汇附带习得 阅读理解 方法 incidental vocabulary acquisition reading comprehension ways
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