独立以来,中亚、外高地区的安全形势经历了“无序”、相对稳定、多边不定三个阶段的发展变化。里海石油之争、尚未彻底平息的热点冲突、伊斯兰原教旨主义和极端恐怖主义、周边阿富汗的连年内战和俄北高地区的动荡不宁、错综复杂的民族矛盾与根深蒂固的地方主义、严重的社会经济问题等是当前中亚、外高地区面临的主要安全挑战。在今年相当长的一个时期内, 中亚、外高地区将是稳定与动荡交织, 合作与竞争并存。地区安全形势趋于复杂化。
Since countries in Central Asia and Outer Caucasus gained independence in early 1990s, security situation in this region has experienced three stages characterized successively by disorder, relative stability and regional uncertainty. The principal security challenges faced by Central Asia and Outer Caucasus now are disputes over the Caspian Sea oil, unsettled conflicts of general concern, Islamic Fundamentalism and extreme terrorism, successive years of civil war in neighboring Afghanistan, turbulence and intranquility in Northern Caucasus of Russia, complicated ethnic problems, deep rooted localism and grave social and economic problems. In a long period of this year, as stability mingling with turbulence and cooperation coexisting with competition, regional security situation tends to become more and more complicated.
International Studies