为观测砷沉积导致的孔隙介质内部结构的改变,采用X射线差异微断层扫描技术,扫描从Loa流域获得的河床沉积物和实验室配制的含砷样品,对含砷聚集物在孔隙介质中的分布进行了成像分析.经过图像处理去除图像上的噪点和增强图像中砷的信息,获得了孔隙介质中含砷聚集物的三维数据组;采用Avizo 6和Blob3D等工具,对三维数据组进行重建和可视化.成像显示:大量含砷聚集物沉积在介质孔隙和介质表面;不同尺寸聚集物的形态呈现出明显的多样化特征———小颗粒聚集物趋于球形,大颗粒聚集物则趋于扁平状.研究表明,该技术可在不破坏样品的前提下,实现对孔隙介质沉积前后内部结构变化的直接观测.
In order to investigate the change of internal structure of porous media caused by arsenic deposition, the X-ray difference micro-tomography was used to characterize the distribution of arsenic aggregates in porous media by scanning arsenic samples prepared in the laboratory and arsenic-rich fluvial sediments from Rio Loa in Chile. After image processing, background noise in the tomograms was reduced and arsenic information was enhanced. Then the processed images were used to generate 3D spatial distribution datasets of arsenic in the media. Tools like Avizo 6 and Blob3D were used to reconstruct and visualize these 3D datasets. 3D visualization showed that arsenic accumulated in the pore space and grain surface, arsenic aggregates with different sizes had distinctly different morphologies, that is small aggregates tended to be spherical while big aggregates were relatively flat. The research results show that the X-ray difference micro-tomography can be used to observe the pre- and post-deposition structures of porous media and has no any destruction to the samples.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University