
一种紧凑型宽谱辐射源 被引量:2

A compact wideband impulse radiating generator
摘要 采用快前沿Marx发生器直接驱动辐射天线,设计了一种紧凑型宽谱辐射源。Marx发生器采用3 300pF低电感陶瓷电容器作为储能电容,采用螺旋形空芯电感作为充电电感,通过各级气体火花开关迅速放电,在负载上建立了陡化前沿的输出电压波形。系统设计为同轴一体化结构,整个Marx发生器放置在一个密封的金属圆筒内,通过充氮气或者六氟化硫气体来绝缘。辐射系统包括振荡器及辐射天线两部分,系统辐射场中心频率为206MHz,辐射因子40kV,可重复频率10Hz运行。 A compact wideband impulse radiating generator directly driven by a fast rise-time Marx generator is designed.Low-inductance capacitors of 3 300 pF are chosen as energy storage capacitors,and helix inductors are utilized as charging and grounding elements.By means of rapid discharge of each short gas spark gap,wave erection can be realized on the output load.The Marx generator is fitted into a 477 mm long tube with 145 mm diameter.The generator is pressurized with an N2/SF6 mixture.The system consists of two parts,wave oscillator and radiating antenna,and can work at 10 Hz repetition rate.The peak radiated field is about 40 kV/m at 1 m from the radiating antenna,with a center frequency of 206 MHz.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2925-2928,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
关键词 宽谱辐射 MARX发生器 辐射因子 天线 wideband radiation Marx generator field-range product antenna
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