According to the test results of various concrete specimens conducted in China and abroad, the concrete real strangths under diffent external loads are summarized, and a sinple practical cracking risk analysis method of high arch dams is presented. In this method the results of the dam triarial stresses calculated by use of the numerical analysis methods, such as finite element method or trial -load method, can be directly used, the dam concrete strength, stress distribution and stress ratio are considered, though refering to the chart algorithm, the real safety degree of any point in the arch dam can be obtained. Thus the cracking danger of the arch dam is predicted. As an example, the cracking analysis in the downstream part of Ertan arch dam is conducted. The analysis results show that the arch dam concrete strength reduction due to the multiaxial effect is the internal cause of the concrete cracking and under the combined effects of the external factors, such as the temperature load, geologic conditions and so on the arch dam cracking hapens. Considering the multiaxial effect of the concrete, the real safety degree of the arch dam - abutment system is lower than that of the arch dam considering umiaxial strength.
Design of Hydroelectric Power Station
concrete dam
arch dam crack
safety degree of arch dam
cracking analysis
Ertan arch dam