目的:总结儿童期常见非癫癎性发作(Non-Epilepsy Seizure,NES)的临床及脑电图特点,以提高临床医生的诊断水平,减少误诊;并探讨视频脑电图(Video-EEG,VEEG)在诊断儿童NES中的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析2008年1月至2010年12月在我院行VEEG后诊断为NES的328例患儿的临床及脑电图资料。结果:良性新生儿肌阵挛或颤抖18例、良性非癫癎性婴儿痉挛14例、非癫癎性强直发作39例、情感性交叉擦腿19例、屏气发作9例、睡眠障碍108例、抽动障碍43例、偏头痛18例、晕厥23例、癔症性发作4例、其他33例。126例患儿监测到临床发作,且同期脑电图均未记录到癎性发放。17例癫癎患儿合并NES,21例NES合并发作间期癫癎样波发放。结论:儿童期常见各种类型NES,通过详细询问病史获得可靠的发作期症状,并辅以脑电图检查可做出正确诊断。视频脑电图是明确儿童NES的类型,鉴别NES和ES的最可靠的检查方法。
Objective: To summarize the clinical and electroencephalogram ( EEG ) characteristics common non-epileptic seizures ( NES ) in children for improving the diagnostic rate and reducing the misdiagnosis and study the value of video- EEG for the diagnosis of children's NES. Methods: The clinical and EEG data of 328 children with NES diagnosed by VEEG in our hospital from Jan.2008 to Dec.2010 were analyzed retrospectively .Results: The common types of NES in children included benign neonatal sleep myoclonus or jitterness ( 18 cases ) , benign nonepileptic infantile spasms ( 14 cases ) , nonepileptic tonic seizure ( 39 cases ) , masturbation ( 19 cases ) , breath-holding attacks ( 9 cases ) , sleep disorders ( 108 cases ) ,tic disorders ( 43 cases ), migraine ( 18 eases ) ,syncope ( 23 cases ), hysteria attacks ( 4 cases ) , other seizures ( 33 cases ) . 126 cases of clinical seizure were recorded without epileptiform discharges in ictal period. 17 cases of NES complicated with epilepsy, 21 cases of NES complicated epileptiform discharges in interictal period.Conclusions: There are various NES in children, doctors are able to diagnose accurately by detailed history of seizure and EEG. VEEG is a reliable way for diagnosing and differentiating NES and ES.
Journal of Modern Electrophysiology
non-epileptic seizures
video- electroencephalogram