
西班牙语称谓词性变化与西班牙性别平等进程 被引量:2

Use of Nouns of Appellation,Occupation,Position and the Evolvement of Gender Equality in Spain
摘要 西班牙语的称谓词有阴性词和阳性词之分。有些传统以来由男子从事的职业或者担当的职务,只有用以指代男子的阳性形式,或者语言一贯使用上存在的性别歧视,指代男子的阳性词在不确指或者表集体时,也可以指代女性。但是,西班牙社会的进步,女性受教育程度提高并广泛参与社会生活,担当要职,尤其是最近几年西方社会大力推动的性别平等,使这些词汇在使用上发生了巨大、深刻的变化。 Spanish nouns denoting appellation, occupation and position have two genders: feminine vs. masculine. But traditionally, only masculine nouns were used to express the profession and position taken by men. What' s more, there used to exist gender discrimination in language use-masculine nouns were always used to denote female entities in cases where those were indefinite or collective nouns. With the Spanish society advancing, the women have got a better education and more important positions, and they have engaged themselves widely in social activities. Especially, gender equality is being vigorously promoted in the Western Society these years, resulting in a great and profound change in the use of such words.
作者 卢晓为
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2011年第6期41-44,108,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 广东外语外贸大学"211工程"三期重点学科建设项目子项目(GDUFS211-1-080)结项成果
关键词 西班牙语 名词词性 阴性 阳性 性别平等 Spanish gender of noun feminine masculine gender equality
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