
分布式创新的组织模式:合作社区 被引量:1

Organizational Model of Distributed Innovation:A Collaborative Community
摘要 文章分析了一种创新性计算机服务器技术的企业社区——刀片服务器行业组织Blade.org。它是拥有100多个企业成员的成功社区,从事各种形式的合作,以开发创新产品和服务,并扩大其市场覆盖范围。Blade.org是有意设计的企业社区,仿效个人社区的很多核心功能和进程。企业社区是新的组织形式,对持续创新具有理论和实践意义。 This paper analyzes Blade.org,a community of firms,which is also an open blade server platforms focusing on the development and adoption of an innovative computer server technology.Founded in early 2006,Blade.org is successful business community consisting of more than 100 member firms which have engaged in various forms of cooperation to develop innovative products and services,and expand its market.Blade. org is purposefully designed to emulate many of the core functions and processes of a community of individuals.The community of firms is new form of organization for continuous innovation,and it has theoretical and practical significance.
作者 罗建原
出处 《当代经济管理》 2011年第12期37-43,共7页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71072076 70772074)
关键词 分布式创新 合作社区 合作创新网络 新组织模式 distributed innovation collaborative community collaborative innovation networks new organizational forms
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