目的对比并评价膜式液基薄层细胞学(TCT,Thinprep cytology test)与巴氏细胞学(PAP,cytology test)两种筛查方法在宫颈癌早期筛查中的效果。方法对120例出现临床症状的受检者的宫颈脱落细胞标本,分别采用膜式液基薄层细胞学与巴氏细胞学技术制片筛查宫颈癌;同时受检者均做阴道镜病理活检,并以此结果作为金标准,依据TBS细胞学诊断分类,评判膜式液基薄层细胞学与巴氏细胞学的筛查结果与病理学诊断结果的符合率以及两种宫颈癌筛查方法的灵敏度。结果①膜式液基薄层细胞学与巴氏细胞学两种筛检方法与阴道镜病理活检的总体诊断符合率分别为86.7%、61.7%,差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05)。②膜式液基薄层细胞学和巴氏细胞学在筛检出宫颈炎、鳞癌(SCC)和宫颈上皮肉瘤变(CIN)的灵敏度分别为90.0%和67.1%、87.5%和50.0%、79.4%和55.9%。结论作为宫颈癌无创伤早期筛检方法,膜式液基薄层细胞学技术在灵敏度与筛检结果准确性方面要优于巴氏细胞学技术。
Objective To have a comparative study on clinical effect of screening on cervical carcinoma between TCT(Thinprep cytology test)and PAP(PAP cytology test). Methods 120 women with irregular vaginal bleeding & cervical erosion were screened by PAP and TCT test, besides, all cases were diagnosed by vaginoscopic biopsics which was regarded as golden standard on diagnosis of cervical carcinoma, and diagnosis consistency and sensitivity were evaluated based on positive Results between PAP and TCT test. Results (1)Overall diagnosis consistency of PAP and TCT were 61.7%,86.7%,which had statistical difference(p 〈 0.05).(2)Sensitivity of PAP and TCT on cervical inflammation ,SCC and CIN were 67.1% vs 90.0%,50.0% vs 87.5%,55.9% vs 79.4% respectively. Conclusion TCT test is more efficient and accurate than PAP test in screening of cervical carcinoma.
Contemporary Medicine