胞饮突是着床窗期在扫描电镜(scanning electron microscopy,SEM)下子宫内膜上皮细胞顶质膜形成的大量胞质外突起,呈花朵状,称为pinopode。近年胞饮突被认为是子宫内膜容受性的一个形态学指标,其功能可能是参与囊胚与子宫内膜的黏附反应。本文就胞饮突的形态、及与雌孕激素、其他子宫内膜容受性相关因子的关系作一综述。
During the implantation window,the appearance of large rounded projections on the apical surface of epithelial cells form part of the plasma membrane transformation,which were named pinopode.It have been used as indicator of endocrine status and preparation for implantation in the human uterus.The research on pinopode may provide new insight into the problems in IVF and the diseases such as unexplained infertility and unexplained recurrent miscarriage.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity