
食品安全的需求、供给与规制研究新进展 被引量:4

Review on the Recent Studies on Food Safety Economics Abroad
摘要 食品安全特性的均衡水平是由市场各方的力量博弈决定的,因而,食品安全问题不仅是一个社会问题和技术问题,更是一个经济学问题,其有效化解也迫切需要经济学分析的支持。国外关于食品安全的经济学研究起步较早,近年来的研究内容更是不断扩展,研究方法也在不断创新。文章从需求、供给和规制三个层面,对国外食品安全经济学研究的最新进展进行了梳理,发现近期的研究有三个特点值得关注:一是重视基于微观调查数据的实证研究;二是重视对企业控制措施和政府规制政策的作用机理研究;三是重视对公共规制之外的其他规制制度安排的研究。 The equilibrium level of food safety is decided by the market forces.Therefore,food safety accident is not only a social and technical problem,but also an economic problem,and the effective solution of the problem depends on the support of economic analysis.The economic analysis of food safety began earlier abroad.Research contents have been expanded and research methods have been innovated in recent years.This paper discusses the recent studies of food safety economics abroad from the perspectives of demand,supply and regulation.The findings show that there are three features worth noting as follows: more attention to empirical studies based on micro survey data;more concern with the mechanism of control measures and regulation policies of the enterprise;and greater stress on other regulation systems apart from formal public regulation.
作者 魏玮 毕超
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期53-60,共8页 Journal of Business Economics
关键词 食品安全 消费者认知 产业组织 公共规制 food safety consumer perception industry organization public regulation
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