
共享学习模式下知识服务云平台的构建研究 被引量:10

Study on the Construction of Knowledge Service Cloud Platform Under the Condition of Shared Learning
摘要 通过剖析知识服务的内涵和特征,梳理知识服务中存在的问题,结合云计算的特性,给出共享学习模式下知识服务的新模式。构建了知识服务云平台体系结构,设计了知识资源层、知识融合层、知识服务层、运营服务与计费保障体系、客户应用层5个知识服务功能模块,实现了知识资源的共享和协同。 By analyzing the implications and characteristics of knowledge service,teasing out the problems that exist in knowledge service,and combining with the characteristics of cloud computing,we put forward a new mode of knowledge service under the condition of shared learning.In this paper,in order to realize the goal of sharing and coordination of knowledge resources,we construct the system architecture of knowledge service cloud platform and design five function modules of knowledge service,including knowledge resource layer,knowledge fusion layer,knowledge service layer,operation service and billing security layer,and customer application layer.
机构地区 南京邮电大学
出处 《电信科学》 北大核心 2011年第12期6-11,共6页 Telecommunications Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.70871061) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(No.BK2010524)
关键词 知识服务 共享学习 云计算 知识创造 网络平台 knowledge service shared learning cloud computing knowledge creation network platform
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