

Free Vibration Analysis on the Liquid Tank with Cross Baffle
摘要 主机滑油舱作为船舶上重要的设备,其动力特性对主机振动影响较大.以某主机滑油舱为参照,通过LMS设备测试带十字型挡板液箱模型振型,并采用ANSYS软件分析模型的振动特性.结构频率呈现随着充液比升高而降低的总体规律,液箱的振型中最大位移的位置有所变化.另外在某些阶次上,底板出现明显的位移,充液比的改变对底板的位移有一定的影响. Main engine lubricating oil compartment is important equipment in ship,and its dynamic characteristics affects the vibration of main engine.Based on one main engine lubricating oil compartment,this paper measures modes of the liquid tank with a cross baffle,and it analyzes the model’s vibration characteristics by ANSYS.It concludes that increasing liquid fill ratio can get the structure frequency down and change the maximum displacement position of the liquid tank.In addition,on some modes,there is obvious displacement on bottom,and change in filling ration has effect on the bottom displacement.
出处 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期32-36,共5页 Ship Engineering
基金 辽宁省自然基金项目(20072144)
关键词 十字型挡板 自由振动 模态 ANSYS cross baffle free vibration mode ANSYS
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