
当代农民工感知社会支持、自尊和主观幸福感的关系 被引量:37

The Relationship Among the Perceived Social Support,Self-esteem and Subjective Well-being of Contemporary Rural Migrant Workers
摘要 本研究以600名农民工为被试,采用问卷法探讨农民工感知社会支持、自尊与主观幸福感的关系,并考查农民工自尊在其感知社会支持与主观幸福感之间的中介作用。结果表明:(1)高自尊水平农民工的主观幸福感及其各维度、感知社会支持都极其显著地高于低自尊农民工;(2)感知社会支持、自尊与主观幸福感显著两两正相关;(3)自尊在感知社会支持基础上对主观幸福感及两个维度回归效应显著,为二者之间重要的中介变量。 The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationship among the level of self-esteem,the subjective well-being and perceived social support. The research surveyed 600 rural migrant workers in Suzhou,using a self-made situation questionnaire of rural migrant workers' perceived social support and the scale of self-esteem,the scale of the subjective well-being of rural migrant workers which had been modified in order to survey the relationship among perceived social support,self-esteem and subjective well-being.The situation questionnaire of rural migrant workers' perceived social support included 2 situations.The first situation was set as personal injury;the second situation was set as unemployment.Both were compiled in the situation projection way.The first situation included 2 dimensionalities. Acquaintances support and Non-acquaintances support,with 9 questions altogether.The construct validity of this questionnaire was.58,Cranach'sαwas.83.The second situation included 2 dimensionalities,named as the perception of information of social support and the perception of non-messaging of social support,with 7 questions altogether.The construct validity of this questionnaire was .63,Cranach's a was.83.Cranach's a in this measurement of the scale of self-esteem of Rosenberg was.76.The modified scale of subjective well-being of rural migrant workers included 5 dimensionalitied,namely,development experience,goals and values experience, relationships experience,mentality balance experience and contentment abundant experience.The construct validity of it was .58,and Cranach'sαwas.78.This research also explored the mediating influence of self-esteem on the relation between,perceived social support and subjective well-being of contemporary rural migrant workers.The ultimate purpose was to make better suggestions for the enhancement of the subjective well-being of the rural migrant workers. The research results show that(1) The subjective well-being,each of its dimensions and the perceived social support of the rural migrant workers with a higher level of self-esteem are significantly higher than those with a lower level of self-esteem;(2) There was a significant correlation among perceived social support,self-esteem and subjective well-being.(3) There is an apositive pair wise correlation among perceived social support,self-esteem and subjective well-being.(4)The self-esteem based on perceived social support has a significant regression influence on the subjective well-being,and is an important intervening variable between them.Meanwhile,the self-esteem based on perceived social support has a significant regression influence on the development experience and relationships experience, and is an important intervening variable between them. Our conclusion:Both perceived social support and self-esteem have a significant influence on the subjective well-being of rural migrant workers.The self-esteem of rural migrant workers is an important intervening variable between perceived social support and subjective well-being.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1414-1421,共8页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 211工程三期重点学科建设项目“和谐社会视域中弱者权益保护的社会支持研究” 苏州大学重大课题“苏南地区农民工的城市融入与社会支持研究” 重庆市教委人文社会科学研究项目“农民工城市认同研究”(08jwsk267) 苏州大学中国特色城镇化研究中心教育部重点研究基地项目“城乡一体化背景下的心理适应研究”课题(BV20601310)的资助
关键词 农民工 感知社会支持 自尊 主观幸福感 中介效应 rural migrant workers perceived social support self-esteem subjective well-being intervening variable
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