
从福利制度走向市场化——芬兰高等教育改革透视 被引量:7

From Welfare System to Marketization——An Analysis of Higher Education Reform in Finland
摘要 芬兰高等教育长期秉承了北欧福利制度的特征,如政府办大学、教育平等和免学费政策等。从20世纪90年代以来,在新自由主义和全球化的影响下,芬兰逐步在高等教育中引入市场机制。特别是2010年新大学法的实施,把芬兰的高等教育改革推向了一个市场化的进程,其目的是给予大学更加充分的自主权,扩大社会参与,拓展经费来源,提高办学效率和效益。但其改革过程中出现了一些不确定的因素,芬兰高等教育改革的效果还需要进一步观察。 The Finnish higher education system was influenced by the Nordic welfare tradition characterized of affiliated relations between universities and the government, equality in education and tuition free policy. Since, the 1990s,impacted by the neo-liheralism and globalisation, market mechanisms have been gradually introduced into Finland. Especially the implementation of the Universities Act in 2010 ushered the higher education refi^rm in a course of marketization. The reform aims to increase autonomy of higher education institutions, to have more social participation in higher education, to diversify funding sources and to improve efficiency and effectiveness of running schools. However there are some uncertainties in the implementation process and the resuhs of the reform need to be further observed.
作者 蔡瑜琢
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期13-17,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 芬兰 高等教育 改革 福利制度 市场化 Finland higher education reform welfare system marketization
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