
国家主导的校长培训治理模式——以英国学校领导发展为例 被引量:3

State-dominated Governance in Principal Training:Case of School Leadership Development in UK
摘要 通过对英国学校领导发展历史的梳理,本文发现英国学校领导的发展历史是国家从不干预到提供资助、进行管制和提供培训,并逐渐形成国家主导的学校领导发展治理模式的过程。国家主导的学校领导发展治理模式为英国学校领导发展的项目创新提供了强有力的政策支持及经济保障。然而,也正是由于集资助、管制和提供为一身,英国的学校领导发展逐渐为唯一的培训模式所垄断,其未来发展面临着挑战。 Based on the historical review of school leadership development in UK, this paper discloses that the evolution of school leadership development in UK accompanies the state intervention in funding, regulation and provision. A state-dominated governance has been formed eventually. State-dominated governance provides strong financial and policy support for program innovation. However, state governance in funding, regulation and provision monopolizes the school leadership development program, which leads to the major challenge of state-dominated governance in school leadership development. Through the analysis of evolution and future challenges of school leadership development in UK, the nature of state-dominated governance is discussed, which provides reflection for improving the principal training practice in China.
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期59-63,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 国家主导 学校领导发展 校长培训 治理模式 英国 state-dominated principal training school leadership development governance
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