详细介绍了DSS(Darwin Streaming Server)中的RTSP协议交互过程,用VC6.0实现定制客户端测试工具,模拟并发用户实现对DSS的多文件点播并发支持能力的测试,对定制客户端进行扩展,可以实现对修改后的DSS(支持MPEG-2 TS格式)并发访问,通过查看DSS的WEB管理端以及用Wireshark抓包工具进行抓包对定制客户端进行验证,结果证明,设计的定制客户端可以模拟并发用户与流媒体服务器进行RTSP交互,在对流媒体软件点播并发能力的测试中有很好的应用。
The RTSP protocol in the Darwin Streaming Server (referred to as DSS) is described in this paper. The client simulation tool is designed by VC6. 0. It is used to simulate multiple concurrent users on the DSS, in order to test the concurrent capacity for streaming different movies. And to extend and customize the client tool, it can simulate multiple concurrent users on the modified DSS (supporting MPEG-2 TS format). Meanwhile, the validation of client testing tool is given based on the WEB management side of the DSS as well as Wireshark which is the tool for packet capture, the results prove that this client simulation tool can simulate concurrent users to send RTSP requests to the streaming media server, in-demand streaming media software concurrency test has a good application.
Video Engineering