
货架空间分配和库存控制联合优化策略研究 被引量:4

Joint optimization models for shelf space allocation and inventory control
摘要 研究了需求率受展示空间影响的零售商品的货架空间分配和库存控制联合决策问题.针对各物品单独补货和多物品共同补货两种不同策略,分别建立了联合决策模型,分析了最优解的特性,并给出了共同补货模型的遍历搜索算法和两种近似求解算法.数值仿真研究表明:改进近似算法几乎达到了遍历搜索算法的效果,而近似算法在保证较好计算效果的基础上大大提高了计算效率;多物品共同补货与各物品单独补货策略相比,不仅改变了零售商的订购计划,也影响了其货架空间分配策略,并使零售商减少了库存,增加了利润;该模型也为零售商提供了比一些经验做法更优的货架空间分配策略. The paper studies joint decision-making issues of shelf space allocation and inventory control for items with shelf-space-dependent demand rates. Two joint decision-making models are developed for two dif- ferent situations: each item replenished separately and multiple items replenished jointly, respectively. The properties of the optimal solutions of the proposed models are analyzed. A traversal solution and two approxi- mate algorithms are presented to solve the joint replenishment model. Numerical simulations show that: 1)The outcome of improved approximate algorithm almost equals to that of traversal algorithm and the approximate algorithm can achieve near-optimal solutions through easily implemented algorithms in reasonable timescales. 2)The joint replenishment model leads to rather different replenishment policy and shelf allocation and superior profit performance, compared with the individual replenishment model. 3)The present shelf space allocation policy appears to outperform well-known rules of thumb.
出处 《系统工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期825-833,共9页 Journal of Systems Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70771034 70971041 70631003) 高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者2005年专项资金资助项目(200565) 广东省高等院校人文社会科学重点研究基地资助项目(08JDXM63003) 合肥工业大学科学研究发展基金资助项目(081103F)
关键词 空间弹性需求 货架空间分配 库存控制 共同补货 display-space elastic demand shelf space allocation inventory control joint replenishment
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