
用EST-SSR标记评价21份黄瓜种质的遗传多样性 被引量:6

Analysis of genetic diversity of 21 cucumber germplasms using EST-SSR markers
摘要 采用15对EST-SSR引物对21份不同生态类型(华北型、华南型、欧洲温室型和野生种)的黄瓜种质进行了分析,共检测到65个等位基因,平均4.33个,多态性信息量(PIC)值变幅0.177~0.748,平均值为0.470,表明12对引物具有高度或中度多态性.NTSYS软件聚类分析表明,21份黄瓜种质可分为2大类,外来种质与国内种质可明显区分开,国内种质还可以根据生态类型细分为3个亚类.主坐标分析的结果与聚类分析基本一致. In this study, 15 EST-SSR primer pairs were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 21 cucumber germplasms containing various ecotypes, i.e. North China ecotype, South China ecotype, European greenhouse ecotype and wild species. A total of 65 alleles were detected with a mean of 4.33, and polymorphism information content (PIC) varied from 0. 177 to 0. 748 with a mean of 0. 470. Out of the 15 primer pairs, 12 primer pairs were high or medium polymorphism. Based on the EST-SSR data, clustering analysis using UPGMA method revealed that 21 cucumber germplasms could be divided into two broad groups, and foreign germplasms were well separated from domestic germplasms. Also, domestic germplasms could be subdivided into 3 subgroups based on their ecotypes. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) revealed a similarity to clustering analysis.
出处 《河南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期657-661,共5页 Journal of Henan Agricultural University
基金 河南省科技攻关重点项目(102102110037) 河南省教育厅自然科学研究计划项目(2009A210010) 河南农业大学博士科研启动基金项目(30400247)
关键词 黄瓜 EST-SSR标记 遗传多样性 Cucumis sativus EST-SSR marker genetic diversity
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