
国际标准产业分类体系的供水、污水处理、废物管理和补救活动的分类演化及启示 被引量:1

Evolution of Classification and Enlightenment of Water Supply,Sewerage Disposal,Waste Management and Remediation Activities of International Standard Industrial Classification
摘要 国际标准产业分类体系是目前国际上最有影响、最有权威的产业分类体系。深入了解国际标准产业分类体系中供水、污水处理、废物管理和补救活动分类演化,对正确收集、处理和测算供水、污水处理、废物管理和补救活动的指标以及国际间数据比较至关重要。论文首先详细地剖析了国际标准产业分类体系的供水、污水处理、废物管理和补救活动的分类演化,然后依据国际标准产业分类体系的最新变化,结合我国供水、污水处理、废物管理和补救活动现状,为我国国民经济行业分类中供水、污水处理、废物管理和补救活动的修改和调整提供改进建议。 International standard industrial classification is the most mature,authoritative and influential international standards of the world classification of economic activity.Understanding the evolution of water supply,sewerage disposal,waste management and remediation activities in ISIC is essential to collect,process,calculate the financial indicators and compare data between countries.Therefore,this paper studies the classification of the evolution of water supply,sewerage disposal,waste management and remediation activities in ISIC,and puts forward some suggestions for improving classification of Chinese water supply,sewerage disposal,waste management and remediation activities industry.
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期2167-2174,共8页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家统计局全国统计科学研究计划重点项目"我国产业分类体系研究"(2007LZ024)
关键词 国际标准产业分类体系 供水、污水处理、废物管理、补救活动 中国 international standard industrial classification water supply sewerage disposal waste management and remediation activities China
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