
基于DMD的红外场景仿真器硬件系统设计 被引量:4

Design of Infrared Scene Simulator Hardware System Based on DMD
摘要 红外场景仿真器是红外成像制导系统硬件闭环仿真应用中的关键设备。以某型导弹导引头硬件闭环仿真系统为应用背景,采用FPGA为主控器件设计了基于数字微镜器件DMD的红外场景仿真器硬件系统。首先介绍了DMD及其线性灰度控制,然后对图像解码和识别、高速数据缓存、驱动控制电路以及脉冲宽度灰度调制等硬件模块进行详细设计。给出主要指标实现方法,测试结果表明该系统能很好地将数字图像加载至DMD镜面,加装光学模块后可成功生成满足灰度等级及帧频数要求的红外图像。 Infrared Scene Simulator is one of the crucial devices for the hardware-in-the-loop simulation application of infrared guidance system. With FPGA as the host controller, a set of hardware system based on Digital Micro-lenses Device (DMD) for infrared scene simulator was developed, which will play a key role in the hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform for a certain type of missile seekers. The principle of DMD was introduced first and then each module of hardware system was described in details. The implementation methods of main parameters were given at last. The test results proved that the digital image received can be loaded onto the micro-mirrors excellently and with optics module installed, the system could successfully generate infrared scenes which satisfy the design performance requirements well.
出处 《红外技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期683-686,共4页 Infrared Technology
关键词 DMD 场景仿真 硬件闭环 红外成像 DMD, scene simulation, HWIL, infrared imaging
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