目的目前市场上体温计的种类很多,但各类体温计测量的体温和测温速度不尽相同。本文通过温度试验对五种不同原理和不同品牌的体温计测量的体温和测量速度进行了对比研究。方法以水银体温计为温度测量的标准,使用额温体温计、耳温体温计、电子体温计和伟伦体温计分别测量受试者体温,对四种体温计测量的体温和测温速度进行对比分析。结果伟伦体温计测量的腋温与水银体温计测量腋温没有统计学差异;电子体温计测量的腋温、额温测温计测量的额温和耳温测温计测量的耳温与水银体温计测量的腋温相比有统计学差异。耳温体温计测量耳温的时间最短,但有4 s的复位时间,且易因操作不当产生误差;额温体温计在4 s左右温度会达到稳定;电子体温计测温时间最长,连续使用时需要3 s复位;伟伦体温计测量口腔温度较快,但连续测量时脱去和再次取用口套约需3 s,伟伦体温计测量腋温时间相对其它腋温测量方式最短。结论耳温体温计与额温体温计测量温度方便、快速,能够满足快速体温测量场合的需要,但其测量的额温或耳温与水银体温计测量的腋温有一定差异;伟伦体温计和电子体温计测量的腋温与水银体温计测量的腋温相比,伟伦体温计更为快速、准确。
Objective There are many types of thermometers on the market, however the body temperature and measuring speed of thermometer are different. In this paper, a comparative study of body temperature and measuring speed among five thermometers, which work in different principles and are with different brands, was performed. Methods With the mercury thermometer as standard, forehead thermometer, ear thermometer, electronic thermometer and Welch Allyn thermometer were enclosed to measure subjects' body temperature. And the body temperature and measuring speed of four thermometers were investigated. Results Difference of axillary temperatures measured by Welch Allyn thermometer and mercury thermometer were not statistically significant. Compared with axillary temperature measured by mercury thermometer, the differences of axillary temperature measured by electronic thermometer, forehead temperature by forehead temperature thermometer, ear temperature by ear temperature thermometer were significant. Measuring time ofear temperature by ear thermometer was the shortest, however it needed the reset time of 4 s and led measure errors easily due to improper operation. Forehead thermometer was usually in 4 s to reach stable. Measuring time of electronic thermometer was the longest, and it needed the reset time of 3 s for continuous use. Measuring speed of oral temperature by Welch Allyn thermometer was faster, but it needed 3 s to take off and re-fix the muzzle for continuous measurement. Measuring speed of axillary temperature by Welch Allyn thermometer was faster than by other axillary temperature thermometers. Conclusions Measurements of ear thermometer and forehead thermometer were convenient, fast and able to meet some needs for rapid temperature measurements. However, forehead temperatures and ear temperatures measured by them compared with axillary temperatures measured by mercury thermometer had a certain differences. Axillary temperature measured by Welch Allyn thermometer is quicker and more accurate than electronic thermometer.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
body temperature
measurement speed